Hidden Input Element Properties dialog box – Hidden Input Element Settings tab
Develop > Database > Field > Hidden Input Element
This dialog box lets you add or configure a hidden field in an input or modification block.
A hidden field is used to send a value to the server when a site visitor submits an input or modification form, without allowing the user to modify the value. This is useful, for instance, when you need to submit a primary key (such as an ID number) along with the information in the form, but you don’t want your site visitors to be able to modify the primary key.
Target field
Select the database field that will receive the value in the hidden field.
Default value
Enter a value for the hidden field. If the hidden field is in a modification block, the value can be supplied from a database field among the fields you selected in the Database Fields step of the Database Wizard. The value contained in that field for the selected record will be used as the value of the hidden field when the document is displayed in a browser. Click the … button to select a database field.