Converting Microsoft Office documents

You can open Microsoft Word (DOC), Microsoft Excel (XLS), and Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) documents in Namo WebEditor. When you open any of these Microsoft Office file types, Namo WebEditor converts the content to HTML format. You can then edit the converted document like any other Web document. (Namo WebEditor cannot, however, save such converted documents back to their original file format.)

To convert a Microsoft Word document
  1. Click the Namo buttonNamo Web Editor button namo Opening Microsoft Word documents, and then click Open.
  2. In the Open dialog box, select “MS Word Files (*.doc)” as the file format.
  3. Select the Word file to import, and click Open.
  4. In the External File Import Options dialog box, specify the import options, and click OK.
    • Keep original format: Preserves the original document’s page layout and styling as faithfully as possible. This is the same as selecting both Use CSS properties and Use <FONT> tags.
    • Use <FONT> tags only: Preserves the font information but not the page layout of the original document. This is the same as deselecting Use CSS properties and selecting Use <FONT> tags.
    • Import text only: Discards all layout and font information, preserving only the text of the original document. This is the same as deselecting both Use CSS properties and Use <FONT> tags.
    • Use CSS properties: If selected, the page layout of the original document will be preserved as faithfully as possible using layers (<div> elements) and CSS properties.
    • Use <FONT> tags: If selected, font information from the original document will be preserved.
To convert a Microsoft Excel document
  1. Click the Namo buttonNamo Web Editor button namo Opening Microsoft Word documents, and then click Open.
  2. In the Open dialog box, select “MS Excel Files (*.xls)” as the file format.
  3. Select the Excel file to import, and click Open.
  4. In the External File Import Options dialog box, specify the import options, and click OK.
    • Keep original format: Preserves the original document’s styling as faithfully as possible. This is the same as selecting both Use CSS properties and Use <FONT> tags.
    • Use <FONT> tags only: Preserves the font information but not other style properties of the original document. This is the same as deselecting Use CSS properties and selecting Use <FONT> tags.
    • Import text only: Discards all styling, preserving only the text of the original document. This is the same as deselecting both Use CSS properties and Use <FONT> tags.
    • Use CSS properties: If selected, the styling of the original document will be preserved as faithfully as possible using CSS.
    • Use <FONT> tags: If selected, font information from the original document will be preserved.

Namo Web Editor icon note Opening Microsoft Word documentsWhen converting an Excel file that contains multiple worksheets, all worksheets are imported into a single HTML document with horizontal rules separating worksheets.

To convert a Microsoft PowerPoint document

There are two ways to convert a PowerPoint file. You can convert its content to HTML format, or you can convert it to a series of image files that are inserted in an otherwise empty document. Choose the first option if you want to be able to edit the text of the resulting document after conversion.

To convert a PowerPoint file to HTML… To convert a PowerPoint file to image files…
  1. Click the Namo buttonNamo Web Editor button namo Opening Microsoft Word documents, and then click Open.
  2. In the Open dialog box, select “MS PowerPoint Files (*.ppt)” as the file format.
  3. Select the PowerPoint file to import, and click Open.
  4. In the Import PowerPoint File dialog box, select Convert to HTML format and click OK.
  5. To include only some of the slides from the PowerPoint file, select Import specific slides and enter slide numbers and/or slide ranges separated by commas (e.g., 1,3,5-12). Otherwise, click Import all slides. Click OK.
  6. In the External File Import Options dialog box, specify the import options.
    • Keep original format: Preserves the original document’s styling as faithfully as possible. This is the same as selecting both Use CSS properties and Use <FONT> tags.
    • Use <FONT> tags only: Preserves basic font information but not other style properties of the original document. This is the same as deselecting Use CSS properties and selecting Use <FONT> tags.
    • Import text only: Discards all styling, preserving only the text of the original document. This is the same as deselecting both Use CSS properties and Use <FONT> tags.
    • Use CSS properties: If selected, the styling of the original document will be preserved as faithfully as possible using CSS.
    • Use <FONT> tags: If selected, basic font information from the original document will be preserved.
  7. Click OK.
  1. Click the Namo buttonNamo Web Editor button namo Opening Microsoft Word documents,, and then click Open.
  2. In the Open dialog box, select “MS PowerPoint Files (*.ppt)” as the file format.
  3. Select the PowerPoint file to import, and click Open.
  4. In the Import PowerPoint File dialog box, select Convert to image files and click OK.
  5. Under Import range, specify whether to convert every slide in the PowerPoint file or only specific slides. For specific slides, enter slide numbers and/or slide ran
    ges separated by commas (e.g., 1,3,5-12).
  6. Under Image size, specify the size of the converted slides. You can specify a fixed width and height in pixels, or a percentage of the original slide size. Alternatively, click Fit to screen to set the image size to the same dimensions as your current screen resolution.
  7. Under file format, choose the image format in which to save the converted slides.
  8. If you want each image to have a link to the original PowerPoint file, select the option under Hyperlinks.
  9. Click OK.
See also

Importing Excel spreadsheets

Opening Microsoft Word documents