Specifying keywords and other meta data

In addition to the title, you can add several other bits of information to a document that may be useful for Web search engines or your own site management practices. If you specify this meta data, Namo WebEditor puts it in meta tags in a document’s header. Meta tags are not normally visible in browsers, but they can be used by other software to help categorize and manage documents. The basic meta tags supported by Namo WebEditor include:


Keywords can be used by search engines to help categorize documents according to content. For example, if you are creating a document about dinosaurs, adding the keyword “dinosaurs” can help a search engine add your document to the “dinosaurs” category of a Web directory. You can enter multiple keywords separated by commas.


The “author” meta tag is used to provide the name of the person or organization that authored the document.


This meta tag can be used in a variety of ways by you or your organization. For example, if a company wants to categorize its intranet documents according to function, it could put a keyword like “product_data” or “personnel” in the “classification” meta tag of each document.


The “description” meta tag can be used to provide a brief description of the contents of the document.

To specify keywords or other meta data
  1. On the Document menu, go to Property, click Document, and then click the General tab.
  2. Enter appropriate meta data in any or all of the Author, Classification, Description, and Keywords boxes.
  3. Click OK.
Searching meta data

Once you have added meta data to several documents, you can search that meta data using Namo WebEditor’s global find and replace command or a search program. If you want to make sure that your search only matches words in a particular meta tag, use the following syntax in your search string:

meta name=”name” content=”keyword

where name is the type of meta tag you want to search and keyword is the word or phrase you want to find. For example, to find all the documents in a site or a folder that have an “author” meta tag with the content “John Smith”, you would use the following search string:

meta name=”author” content=”John Smith”

Related topics

Adding custom meta tags

Finding and replacing text throughout a site

Specifying keywords and other meta data