Adding alternative text to an image

Not all users can view images in Web documents. Some users use aural or other non-visual browsers, and some users disable images in visual browsers to reduce page load times. For these users, it is useful to supply a text description of an image that will stand for the image itself. Such text is called alternative text or alt text. Most visual browsers also display alt text when a user holds the mouse pointer over an image, possibly providing useful information about the image for ordinary users.

To add alternative text to an image
  1. Doublt-click the desired image.
  2. Iin the Alt text box, type a brief description of the image.
  3. Click OK.

Namo Web Editor icon note Adding alternative text to an imageWhen you insert an image from the clip art library or by dragging an image file from Windows Explorer, Namo WebEditor automatically add the image file name as alt text.

Namo Web Editor icon tip Adding alternative text to an imageDo not add alt text to images that are merely decorative.


Adding alternative text to an image