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Using background colors and images in a table
Each cell in a table can have its own background color or image, as can the table as a whole. You can also apply a background color (but not an image) to a particular row. Cell backgrounds override row backgrounds, which in turn override table backgrounds. On the same element, a background image overrides a background color.
Netscape Navigator 4.x does not correctly support table background images. If a table background image is specified, it is applied to each cell separately.
To apply a background color or image to a table
- Right-click the table and click Table Properties.
- Under Background, do one of the following:
- In the Image box, enter the path or URL of an image file. You can also click
(Browse) to find and select an image file from your local file system; click
(Clip Art) to select an image from the clip art library; or click
(Site) to select from a list of image files belonging to the current local site (if one is open).
- Click the Color box and select a color.
- In the Image box, enter the path or URL of an image file. You can also click
- Click OK.
To apply a background color or image to a cell or cells
- Select the desired cell(s).
- Right-click one of the selected cells and click Cell Properties.
- Under Background, do one of the following:
- In the Image box, enter the path or URL of an image file. You can also click
(Browse) to find and select an image file from your local file system; click
(Clip Art) to select an image from the clip art library; or click
(Site) to select from a list of image files belonging to the current local site (if one is open).
- Click the Color box and select a color.
- In the Image box, enter the path or URL of an image file. You can also click
- Click OK.
If you apply a background image to multiple cells, the image is applied separately to each cell; it does not span the group of cells.
To apply a background color to a row
- Right-click the row, click Table Properties, and then click the Row tab.
- Under Background, click the Color box and select a color.
- Click OK.
To remove a background color or image on a table, cell, or row
- Right-click the table, cell, or row and click Table Properties.
- If you are removing a row background color, click the Row tab.
- Under Background, do one or both of the following, as appropriate:
- Delete the path or URL in the Image box.
- Click the Color box and then click Default.
- Click OK.