Definition Lists

In HTML, a definition list is a list of terms and their definitions. The list consists of one or more pairs of special block elements: the term and the definition. Unlike ordinary paragraphs, browsers usually render terms and definitions with no top or bottom margin, and definitions are indented.

Namo Web Editor 4.text.definition Definition Lists

A definition list with two pairs of term and definition. Boldface has been added to the terms.

To create a definition list
  1. Place the insertion point in an empty line.
  2. On the Home menu, go to the Paragraph group, click the Element box and select Term.
  3. Enter the first term and press Enter.
  4. Click the Element box and select Definition.
  5. Enter the first definition and press Enter.
  6. Enter additional terms and definitions, following steps 2 through 5.
  7. When done, press Enter once more to close the definition list.

Definition Lists