How to use Help
How to open Help
To open the Help window, press F1. Namo WebEditor Help is context-sensitive, so pressing F1 while a dialog box is open will usually open Help to the page that describes that dialog box. Most dialog boxes also have a button that will open Help to the appropriate page.
How the contents are organized
The help pages are organized into sections or categories, a maximum of four levels deep. The top-level categories divide the help pages into the broadest topics, while successive levels are progressively more specific. Here are descriptions of the top-level categories:
- Before You Begin: This section covers things that are helpful to know before you begin using Namo WebEditor. It also includes useful information about the help system, such as the page you are looking at now.
- Namo WebEditor Fundamentals: This section contains the most basic information about using Namo WebEditor, including an introduction to Namo WebEditor’s user interface and information about working with files and sites.
- Laying Out Web Pages: This section is all about page layout—how to use features of Namo WebEditor to lay out visually interesting and user-friendly pages with the minimum effort.
- Basic Page Content: This section deals with the basic building blocks of Web documents, such as text, images, tables, and hyperlinks. It also covers various ways of formatting content.
- Spicing Up Your Site: In this section, you’ll learn about tools in Namo WebEditor you can use to go beyond the basics and add exciting features to your sites, such as JavaScript effects and photo albums.
- Working With Sites: This section covers in depth the concept of Namo WebEditor’s “local sites”—how to create them and how to use them to make organizing and navigating your Web sites easier and more powerful.
- Publishing and Maintaining a Site: This section talks about publishing sites to the Web and managing them with Namo WebEditor’s site maintenance tools.
- Advanced Techniques: This section includes topics that are geared more toward experienced Web authors—such as database-driven document design, using shared content, and working directly with source code.
- Appendices: This section is a catch-all for topics that don’t comfortably fit in any of the other categories. It covers miscellaneous features of Namo WebEditor and includes a list of keyboard shortcuts and a troubleshooting FAQ.
Parts of the Help window
The Help window consists of two main parts. The pane on the right shows the current help document. The pane on the left initially shows a table of contents in tree form. To view a topic, click its name in the left pane. To reveal the subtopics under a topic, double click the topic name or click the plus sign to its left.
Tabs at the top of the left pane let you navigate the help system in other ways:
Index tab
The Index tab shows a list of key words and phrases that link to pages dealing with specific topics, such as tables or JavaScript. Each key word or phrase is associated with one or more help pages. If a word or phrase is associated with a single page, double-clicking it opens that page. If it is associated with more than one page, double-clicking it opens a dialog box listing the associated pages; double-click one of the page titles to open that page. If you type a word or phrase in the box above the index list, the list will scroll to the item most closely matching the spelling of the word or phrase you type.
Search tab
Use the Search tab to search the contents of all help pages for a word or phrase. (See “Searching Help“.)
Favorites tab
Use the Favorites tab to create and use shortcuts to help pages you visit frequently. Click the Add button to add the current page to the list of favorites. To jump to a favorite page, double-click its title in the list. To remove a favorite, select it and click Remove.
You can use the keyboard to navigate the Contents pane. Use the Up and Down keys to move up and down the topic list. Use the Right and Left keys to expand and collapse sections, respectively. To open the highlighted topic, press Enter. To switch between the Contents pane and the page view pane, press F6.
Searching Help
To search Help for a specific word or phrase, click the Search tab, type a word or phrase in the text box, and press Enter. Pages that contain all the specified words are then listed; double-click a page title to go to that page.
The default search operator is AND. Thus, for example, if you enter table border as the search query, all pages that contain both “table” and “border” will be listed, not just pages that contain the phrase “table border”. You can use quotation marks to force a search for an exact phrase. You can also use the operators OR, NEAR, and NOT. Examples:
- javascript OR layers will match pages that contain either “javascript” or “layers”.
- table NEAR color will match pages that contain the word “table” near the word “border”.
- border NOT table will match pages that contain “border” but not “table”.
The search function has several other options that can help you find information more effectively. You can enable or disable these options using the check boxes below the result list:
- Search previous results limits the range of a search to just the pages found in the last search. If a search returns too many results, use this option to narrow the results by searching within them.
- Match similar words causes the search engine to match variant forms of your search terms. For example, if this option is enabled, the query manage site will also fin
d pages that contain “managing sites”. - Search titles only causes the search engine to search only the titles of pages, not their contents.