Typographical conventions
The following typefaces and symbols have special meanings in Namo WebEditor Help:
Program text
Words and phrases found in Namo WebEditor’s user interface, such as menu items and button labels, appear in bold MS Sans Serif.
Window titles
The titles of windows and dialog boxes appear in bold Trebuchet MS.
Keystrokes and keystroke combinations, such as Ctrl+E, appear in Arial.
Code examples
HTML and other markup or code examples appear in Courier New. Block examples additionally appear with a light gray background.
Browser note
Notes, which contain important information such as warnings; browser notes, which contain information about a feature or function’s compatibility with various browsers; and tips, which contain helpful supplementary information, all appear in italics and with a distinctive icon in the left margin.
Links to other help pages or to different locations on the same page appear underlined and in the default link colors specified in your Internet settings (usually blue for unvisited links and purple for visited links).
Popup help anchorIf a word or phrase appears in a green, underlined font, you can click it to reveal a popup box containing a definition or other useful information concerning the term.
If a word or phrase appears in a green, underlined font, you can click it to reveal a popup box containing a definition or other useful information concerning the term.
Command path
In dialog box reference pages, the sequence of menu items and other commands that opens the dialog box in question appears in a smaller, lavender-colored font.