Creating a frameset

To create a frameset
  1. On the Insert menu, got to the Frame group, and then click Frameset.
  2. Click a frameset template and then click OK.

Namo Web Editor icon note Creating a framesetNamo WebEditor will not create a new frameset if one is already open.

When you create a new frameset, Namo WebEditor opens the frameset in Edit mode and displays a new, blank document in each frame. At this point, you should specify the initial document for each frame and then save the frameset. If you have not yet created the initial documents, you can go ahead and compose them directly in each frame. When you save a document in a frame, Namo WebEditor automatically sets that frame’s initial document to the saved document.

Related topics

Setting a frame’s initial document

Saving a frameset

Adding and removing frames

Creating a frameset