Changing hyperlinks and file names to lowercase

Many Web servers—particularly those running on Unix or Linux—are case-sensitive with respect to file and folder names. That is, they distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters in file and folder names. This means, for example, that “example.html” and “Example.html” are not considered to be the same document by such Web servers.

This is not necessarily a problem. If you always take care to specify URLs with exactly the same capitalization as the paths and names of the files they point to, case-sensitivity doesn’t matter. But if you inadvertently create a link whose URL is capitalized differently from its destination, the link may not work once you publish the document to the Web, even if it seems to work in Namo WebEditor. (Windows is not case-sensitive with respect to file and folder names.)

To avoid such potential problems, it can be a good idea to change all file names, folder names, and URLs within a site to lowercase. Namo WebEditor has a special command to do just that. Using it ensures that hyperlinks and their destinations will always match case. Of course, you don’t need to do this if you never use uppercase in names and URLs.

To change all file names, folder names, and URLs in the current local site to lowercase
  • On the Tools menu in the Site Manager, click Convert File Names to Lowercase.

Namo Web Editor icon note Changing hyperlinks and file names to lowercaseThis command is only available when you are working on a local siteA managed collection of documents, folders, and resource files on the local file system that you intend to publish as a Web site..

Namo Web Editor icon note Changing hyperlinks and file names to lowercaseThis operation cannot be undone.

Changing hyperlinks and file names to lowercase