Finding and replacing text throughout a site
Use the Global Find & Replace command to search for, and optionally replace, specified text in all the files in a local site or folder. If you search a local site, the search will automatically include all of the site’s subfolders as well as the site folder. If you search a folder, you can choose whether to include subfolders.
The Global Find & Replace command does not support the use of wildcard characters. Please use an exact search string.
Be careful when performing a global replace. This operation cannot be undone.
To search for text in the current local site
- Do one of the following:
- On the Home menu in the main window, click Global Find & Replace. in the Edit section.
- On the Tools menu in the Site Manager window, click Global Find & Replace.
- In the Find box, type the text to search for, or click the triangle and choose from a list of recently searched items.
- Click site. (This option is only available if a local site is open.)
- Select the options to use for the search. (See “Selecting search options” below.)
- Click Find.
The files containing the search text will be listed in the result box at the bottom of the Global Find & Replace window. You can open a document in the list by double-clicking its file name.
To search for and replace text in the current local site
- Do one of the following:
- On the Home menu in the main window, click Global Find & Replace. in the Edit section.
- On the Tools menu in the Site Manager window, click Global Find & Replace.
- In the Find box, type the text to search for, or click the triangle and choose from a list of recently searched items.
- Click Replace with and type the replacement text, or click the triangle and choose from a list of recently used replacement items.
- Click Folder. (This option is only available if a local site is open.)
- Select the options to use for the search. (See “Selecting search options” below.)
- Click Replace.
Namo WebEditor will ask you to confirm starting the operation. When the operation is finished, the affected files will be listed in the result box at the bottom of the Global Find & Replace window. You can open a document in the list by double-clicking its file name.
To search for text in a specific folder
- Do one of the following:
- On the Home menu in the main window, click Global Find & Replace. in the Edit section.
- On the Tools menu in the Site Manager window, click Global Find & Replace.
- In the Find box, type the text to search for, or click the triangle and choose from a list of recently searched items.
- Click Find in folder, and then enter the path of the desired folder in the box. You can click Browse to locate and select a folder, or click the triangle to choose from a list of recently searched folders.
- If you want to include subfolders of the specified folder in the search, click Include subfolders.
- Select the options to use for the search. (See “Selecting search options“” below.)
- Click Find.
The files containing the search text will be listed in the result box at the bottom of the Global Find & Replace window. You can open a document in the list by double-clicking its file name.
To search for and replace text in a specific folder
- Do one of the following:
- On the Home menu in the main window, click Global Find & Replace. in the Edit section.
- On the Tools menu in the Site Manager window, click Global Find & Replace.
- In the Find box, type the text to search for, or click the triangle and choose from a list of recently searched items.
- Click Replace with and type the replacement text, or click the triangle and choose from a list of recently used replacement items.
- Click Find in folder, and then enter the path of the desired folder in the box. You can click Browse to locate and select a folder, or click the triangle to choose from a list of recently searched folders.
- If you want to include subfolders of the specified folder in the search, click Include subfolders.
- Select the options to use for the search. (See “Selecting search options” below.)
- Click Replace.
Namo WebEditor will ask you to confirm starting the operation. When the operation is finished, the affected files will be listed in the result box at the bottom of the Global Find & Replace window. You can open a document in the list by double-clicking its file name.
Selecting search options
- Search HTML documents only: select this if you want to exclude non-HTML files (such as CSS stylesheets) from the search.
- Find hyperlinks only: select this if you want to limit the search just to the URLs of hyperlinks. This option is extremely useful for changing many links in one operation, without affecting other content. For example, you can search for links containing “” and replace the site name with “”, without replacing any instance of “” that might exist in the text content of your documents.
- Match case: select this if you want to exclude occurrences of the search text that do not match the case of the specified text. For example, if you select this option and search f
or “Namo WebEditor”, any occurrences of “namo webeditor” and “NAMO WEBEDITOR” will not be included in the results. - Match whole words only: select this if you want to exclude any occurrence of the search text that is part of another word. For example, if you select this option and search for “photo”, any occurrence of “photograph” will not be included in the results.
- Match full-/half-width: select this if you are searching for double-byte Asian text and you want to exclude occurrences of the search text that are not the same width as the specified text. This option has no effect when searching ordinary (Western) text.
- Search sources only: select this if you want Namo WebEditor to search the HTML source code of documents, rather than the text that is visible in Edit mode or a browser. For example, use this option if you want to search for the file name of an image that may be used in one or more documents.