Menu Item Settings dialog box
Insert > Text > Script > Script Wizard Effect – Navigation menus – Text menu, Drop-down menu, or Expanding navigation menu – Add button or Modify button
Item name
Enter an item name that will be displayed in the Web browser.
Item names inserted in this dialog box appear in the Text menu, Drop-down menu, and Expanding navigation menu.
Link URL
Specify the URL of the link.
- Click
(Browse) to select a file on the local file systemThe collection of drives and network folders connected to your computer..
- Click
(Open Documents) to select among the documents that are currently open in Namo WebEditor.
- Click
(Site) to select among the files that belong to the current local siteA managed collection of documents, folders, and resource files on the local file system that you intend to publish as a Web site.. If no site is currently open, this button will be disabled.
If frames are used, select the frame in which the target of the menu item selected by the site visitor will load. In addition to listing the frames of the current document by name, the Target frame menu also contains these standard frame references:
- _blank – The target document will load in a new browser window.
- _parent – The target document will load in the parent frame of the frame containing the drop-down menu. This is usually the entire browser window. However, if the current document was loaded into a frame of another document, then select this option to have the target document replace the current document within the same frame.
- _self – The target document will load in the frame containing the drop-down menu.
- _top – The target document will load in the entire browser window, even if the current document was loaded into a frame.