Smart ClipArt Editor – Transform tab
Smart ClipArt Editor – Transform tab
Use this tab to resize, reposition, rotate, or skew an object.
Click one of the small boxes to select the object’s handle whose coordinates are displayed in the X and Y boxes.
Shows the X coordinate of object’s selected handle in pixels from the left edge of the canvas.
Shows the Y coordinate of object’s selected handle in pixels from the top edge of the canvas.
Specifies the width of the object in pixels.
Specifies the height of the object in pixels.
(check box)
If selected, the aspect ratio of the object is maintained when you change its width or height using the Width and Height boxes.
Rotates the object clockwise. The unit is degrees.
Example: Rotating the object by 45°.
Skew horizontally
Skews the object horizontally. The unit is degrees.
Example: Skewing the object horizontally by 45°.
Skew vertically
Skews the object vertically. The unit is degrees.
Example: Skew the object vertically by 45°.