Smart ClipArt Editor – Text tab
Smart ClipArt Editor – Text tab
Views/modifies the properties of the selected text object.
(font box)
Selects the font you like.
(font size box)
Specifies the font size in points.
(font style buttons)
- Bold
: Makes the text thick.
- Italic
: Italicizes the text.
- Horizontal
: Writes horizontally.
- Vertical
: Writes vertically.
(text box)
Edit the text in the large box. To break a line, press Ctrl+Enter.
(Character Spacing)
Adjusts the space between letters.
(Font Stretch)
Stretches the letters horizontally (or vertically).
(Line Spacing)
Adjusts the space between lines in percentage (%). To make several lines or to break a line, press Ctrl+Enter.
(Text Path Start Offset)
Specifies the starting position of the text path. If the value is 0%, the text starts from the base point. The larger the value is, the farther the text starts from the base point.
e.g.) If the value is 0%:
e.g.) If the value is 30%: